Table 2.
Percentage of respondents who classify each statement correctly
Respondent identifies as |
Liberal | Conserv. | p-value | |
Obama born in US | 90% | 67% | 0.000 |
Immigrants have rights | 72% | 43% | 0.000 |
Health care costs high in US | 84% | 72% | 0.001 |
Immigrants are problem | 86% | 52% | 0.000 |
Government is wasteful | 78% | 65% | 0.073 |
Abortion should be legal | 78% | 86% | 0.013 |
Wage increases are essential | 69% | 81% | 0.036 |
ISIS lost territory | 73% | 72% | 0.537 |
Social programs are much of budget | 60% | 62% | 0.040 |
Muslim scrutiny wouldn’t reduce terrorism |
69% |
80% |
0.028 |
Average correct |
76% |
68% |
0.000 |
Respondent identifies as |
White |
Black |
p-value |
Obama born in US | 76% | 86% | 0.062 |
Immigrants have rights | 53% | 58% | 0.606 |
Immigrants are problem | 65% | 80% | 0.000 |
Muslim scrutiny wouldn’t reduce terrorism |
81% |
62% |
0.000 |
Average correct |
69% |
72% |
0.575 |
Respondent identifies as |
White |
Hispanic |
p-value |
Obama born in US | 76% | 78% | 0.508 |
Immigrants have rights | 53% | 64% | 0.037 |
Immigrants are problem | 65% | 75% | 0.077 |
Muslim scrutiny wouldn’t reduce terrorism |
81% |
62% |
0.000 |
Average correct | 69% | 70% | 0.225 |
Note.—Table displays the percentages of liberal/conservative respondents and white/Black/Hispanic respondents who accurately classified each statement as a fact or an opinion, and indicators of statistical significance (two tailed p-values) of the coefficients for conservative identity (compared to liberal identity), Black identity (compared to white identity), and Hispanic identity (compared to white identity). These p-values are drawn from logit models—displayed in Supplementary Material table SM.2 predicting correct classification of each statement by ideological and ethnoracial identification, controlling for sex, age, education, income, trust in media, and party identification. All data are weighted. Data Source: Pew Research Center (2018).