Figure 3.
Ultrastructure of subaleurone cells of developing endosperm of WT and the gpa8-1 mutant. A and B, Two types of protein bodies were observed in WT (A) and gpa8-1 mutant (B) endosperm. Irregular and round shape protein bodies indicate PBIIs and PBIs, respectively. Bars = 2 μm. CW, cell wall. C and D, Golgi apparatus in WT (C) and gpa8-1 mutant (D) endosperm cells. G, Golgi apparatus. Red arrows indicate DVs; blue arrows indicate TGN bodies. Bars = 300 nm. E and F, Different kinds of abnormal Golgi apparatus in gpa8-1. Large clusters of DVs aggregated around the Golgi apparatus in the gpa8-1 mutant. Blue arrowheads indicate abnormal electron-dense materials in Golgi apparatus. Bars = 600 nm. G, Large clusters of DVs in the cytosol. Bars = 1 μm. H, Numerous DVs accumulate near the PM in the gpa8-1 mutant. Bars = 1 μm. I and J, Electron micrographs showing that DVs can fuse with the PM (I) and release their contents into the apoplast forming electron-dense granules (arrowheads) (J). Bars = 1 μm. K and L, The PMB structures in 12 DAF endosperm cells (dotted boxes). Bars = 1 μm.