FIG. 1.
Western blots illustrating the distinctive reactions of anti-P MAbs with truncated P proteins. (A, C, and E) Blots prepared with C-terminally truncated proteins. (B, D, and F) Blots prepared with N-terminally truncated proteins. Lanes were loaded as follows: 1, P1-297; 2, P1-258; 3, P1-215; 4, P1-193; 5, P1-165; 6, P1-140; 7, P1-113; 8, P1-101; 9, P1-66; 10, P20-297; 11, P37-297; 12, P53-297; 13, P82-297; 14, P105-297; 15, P130-297; 16, P145-297; 17, P170-297; 18, none (negative control comprising cell extracts transformed with the plasmid pQE-32). The sizes of the products were confirmed by marker proteins coelectrophoresed on each gel (data not shown). The MAbs tested were M973 (group I) (A and B), M969 (group IV) (C and D), and M958 (group II) (E and F).