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. 2021 Oct 18;9(12):6903–6922. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2633


Examples of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels found in smoked or grilled fish and meat products in these past decades

Country Type of food Benzo(a)pyrene (µg/kg) PAH4 (µg/kg) References
Benin Smoked Scomber Scombrus 5.6 ± 2.4 52.6 ± 20.4 Assogba et al. (2021)
Smoked Cypselurus cyanopterus 23.0 ± 19.3 90.1 ± 93.3
Smoked‐dried Cypselurus cyanopterus 30.9 ± 16.2 153.8 ± 85.8 b
Grilled pork 28.9 ± 18.0 161.8 ± 87.2 Iko Afé et al. (2020)
Smoked fish 21.8 ± 21.2 119.3 ± 107.5 Iko Afé et al. (2021)
Smoked‐dried fish 78.5 ± 53.8 484.2 ± 305.6
Croatia Smoked sprat 2.2 ± 0.5 12.5 ± 1.9 Racovita et al. (2021)
Egypt Grilled beef meat 2.7 ± 0.4 4.8 ± 0.9 Darwish  al. (2019
Grilled beef (kebab) 9.2 Eldaly et al. (2016)
Grilled beef (kofta) 26
Estonia Smoked meat products 3.9 26.3 Rozentale et al. (2018)
France Smoked boucané (pork product) 6.9 ± 2.4 Poligné et al. (2001)
Ghana Smoked Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) 15.5 ± 16.6 121.6 ± 98.9 Asamoah et al. (2021)
Smoked barracuda (Sphyraena Sphyraena) 1.3 ± 2.1 68 ± 32.6
Ivory Cost Smoked Cyprinus carpio 16.9 Ake Assi (2012)
Smoked Esox lucius 56.5
Smoked Pagellus erythrinus 36.7
Smoked Sarda spp. 55.4
Smoked Sarpa salpa 18.0
Korea Charcoal broiled pork 2.6 ± 0.3 Kim et al. (2014)
Kuwait Meat tikka 2.5 Alomirah et al. (2011)
Latvia Smoked pork 35.1 Stumpe‐Viksna et al. (2008)
Smoked meat products 8.1 53.8 Rozentale et al. (2018)
Lithuania Smoked meat products 1.9 9.5 Rozentale et al. (2018)
Nigeria Smoked Arius heude loti 5.7 Ubwa et al. (2015)
Smoked Mud minnow 5.4
Smoked Scomber scombrus 2.4 Amos‐Tautua et al. (2013)
Smoked Clarias gariepinus 204 ± 20 Tongo et al., 2017; Zachara et al. (2017)
Smoked Ethmalosa fimbriata 288 ± 230
Smoked Scomber scombrus 7 ± 13
Smoked Pseudotolithus elongates 44 Akpan et al. (1994)
Smoked Pomadasys perotati 25
Smoked Heterotis niloticus 19.4
Grilled suya* 10.1 Akpambang et al. (2009)
Grilled antelope* 7.9
Smoked Clarias gariepinus * 38.0
Smoked Selar crumenophthalmus * 3.0
Smoked Scomber scombrus * 6.6
Smoked Pseudotolithus senegalensis * 21.5
Poland Smoked sprat 1 10.3 Zachara et al. (2017)
Smoked sausage 3 24.3
Smoked pork hams 1.8 15.5
Portugal Chouriço grosso, dry‐cured fermented pork sausages* 3.3 Roseiro et al. (2011)
Grilled Salmon 4.7 ± 0.8 Viegas, Novo, Pinto, et al. (2012)
Chicken 8.7 ± 0.3
Spain Chorizo, Spanish smoked pork meat 3.2 Ledesma et al. (2015)
Turkey Grilled anchovy fish (Engraulis encrasicolus) 0.7 ± 0.04 3.3 ± 0.1 Sahin et al. (2020)
Grilled chicken <LOD (0.05) 2.1 ± 0.1

Abbreviations: ‐, data not presented in the cited paper; PAH4, sum of benzo[a]pyrene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benz[a]anthracene.


Data of this author were presented in dry weight.