Cerinomyces species with gelatinous basidiocarps in rewetted and dry state. A.C. aeneus, rewetted (TU135065). B.C. aeneus, dry (holotype, H7009708). C.C. cokeri, colourless morph, fresh (TU135089). D.C. cokeri, dry (holotype, NCU-F-0031543). E.C. creber, rewetted (UPS:F-946507). F.C. creber, dry (H:Trichies 07077). G. C. crustulinus, dry, well-developed basidiocarp (lectotype, PC0706688). H.C. crustulinus, dry, young basidiocarps (isolectotype, BPI726061). I.C. aff. crustulinus 1, rewetted, (UPS:F-958851). J.C. aff. crustulinus 1, dry (same specimen). Scale bars: A, C, D, E, H, I = 1 mm; B, F, G, J = 5 mm.