UAB COVID‐19 Collaborative Outcomes Research Enterprise (CORE): Gateway process. The workflow to generate data sets providing transformed study specific data sets from extracted health system data. Beginning with submissions of study concept proposals, this process is followed by a scientific gateway meeting with lead study investigators including representatives from the EDW of the Informatics Institute, along with clinical informatics, biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design (BERD), and outcomes research experts from the Research Coordinating Committee (RCC) of COVID‐19 CORE. CCTS BERD, Center for Clinical and Translational Science Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design; COERE, Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education; EDW, Enterprise Data Warehouse; HSP, human subjects protocol; IRB, institutional review board; NHS, not human subjects; RISC IT, Research and Informatics Service Center—Information Technology