Figure 2: 100 μM of PA, OA or P/O does not negatively impact BeWo cell syncytialization or upregulate pro-apoptotic pathways at 72H.
(A) Representative ZO-1, DAPI and merged immunofluorescent images of BeWo CT and SCT cells (scale bar = 50 μm); (B) Percent fusion of NEFA-treated BeWo CT and SCT cells; data is expressed as percentage of nuclei lacking ZO-1 staining. Relative mRNA abundance of (C) CGB and (D) OVOL1 in NEFA-treated BeWo CT and SCT cells; RT-qPCR data is presented as the fold-change of target mRNA abundance compared to CT BSA ctrl samples relative to the geometric mean of ACTB and PMSB6 mRNA abundance. (E) Live-cell caspase activity of NEFA-treated BeWo CT and SCT cells; data is presented as percent untreated CT control luminescence values (B n=3/group; C-E n=5/group; different letters denote statistical significance p<0.05; B percent fusion data was log transformed and analyzed via two-way ANOVA (2WA); C,D relative mRNA abundance data was analyzed via randomized-block 2WA).