Fig. 9.
Source–detector channel configurations for the LIFG and the LSOG. The channel-to-ROI specificity for 3-month, 6-month, and 20- to 24-year age groups was estimated by averaging age group results computed from individual head models. The specificity threshold was set to 15%. (a) 2D displays of the channel arrangements from the devfOLD toolbox. The channel arrangement for the LIFG is identical for all groups. (b) 3D displays of the channel configurations for the LIFG (top row) and the LSOG (bottom row). Channels F7-F5, AF7-F5, FC5-F5 mapped to the LIFG and channel POz-PO3 mapped to the LSOG were bolded as they have specificity values greater than 50% for all age groups (also see Fig. 10). Channels are displayed on age-specific average brain templates.