Figure 3.
Cellular response. Panel (A) T-cell mediated response measured by QuantiFERON assay related to CD4+ T-cell only (black) or CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells together (grey). Data refer to T6 and are expressed as international unit per millilitre (IU/ml); the cut-off is 0.15 IU/ml. Panel (B and C) correlation between the neutralization assay (NTA) and cellular CD4+ and CD4++CD8+ T-cells response, respectively. Panel (D and E) correlation between anti-SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies measured by YHLO i-Flash and cellular CD4+ and CD4++CD8+ T-cells response, respectively. The correlation with the quantification of anti-SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies measured by the other methods is depicted in figure S2.