Fig 9. Involvement of EhGEF in host cell destruction.
(A) Adhesion of EhGEF ovrexpressing and down regulated transfectants (2x105) to monolayers of CHO cells after 30 min of interaction in presence and absence of tetracycline. The trophozoites that remain attached to the monolayer after gentle washing were counted and plotted. (B) Destruction of CHO monolayer by indicated EhGEF transfectants. Amoebic and CHO cells were used in 1:1. The killing of CHO cells was determined by counting after methylene blue staining. Results of three independent experiments are shown here. ANOVA test was used for statistical comparisons.*p-value≤0.05, **p-value≤0.005, ***p-value≤0.0005. (C) The time-series montage of amoebic trophozoite expressing GFP-EhGEF ingesting live labelled CHO cell (marked by arrow). (D and E) The relative florescence intensity profile showing the recruitment of GFP-EhGEF to the plasma membrane in contact with live CHO cell (D), also the enrichment of GFP-EhGEF is lost by the time biting process ceases (E).