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. 2021 Sep 9;10(19):e023225. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.023225
Writing group member Employment Research grant Other research support Speakers’ bureau/honoraria Expert witness Ownership interest Consultant/advisory board Other
William K. Cornwell III University of Colorado None NIH, NHLBI K23 (career development award) None None None None None
Benjamin D. Levine University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine None None None None None None None
Aaron L. Baggish Massachusetts General Hospital None None None None None None None
Yadav Kumar Deo Bhatta NORVIC International Hospital (Nepal) None None None None None None None
Maria Joan Brosnan St. Vincent's Hospital National Institute of Sports Cardiology (Australia) None None None None None None None
Christoph Dehnert Medbase, Zurich (Switzerland) None None None None None None None
J. Sawalla Guseh Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School None None None None None None None
Debra Hammer University of Alberta (Canada) None None None None None None None
Gianfranco Parati University of Milano‐Bicocca and Istituto Auxologico Italiano San Luca Hospital (Italy) None None None None None None None
Eugene E. Wolfel University of Colorado–Anschutz Medical Campus None None Medical Education Resources, Inc.* None None None None

This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be "significant" if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12‐month period, or 5% or more of the person's gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be "modest" if it is less than "significant" under the preceding definition.


