Fibroblast reprogramming, iPSC colony picking, and iPSCs characterization for pluripotency
(A) Fibroblast culture.
(B) Morphological changes in reprogrammed fibroblast organized as small clusters of rounded cells, surrounded by fibroblast in culture.
(C) Early stage iPSC colony.
(D) Large iPSCs colony at day 21–28 after reprogramming procedure ready to be picked (Day 36 on the protocol).
(E) Scratching pattern for colony picking and the remaining cells after iPSC colony collection.
(F) iPSC colony after passages.
(G) A closed up of the edges of the iPSC colony. Arrows indicate differentiated cells around the iPSC colony.
(H and I) Markers of pluripotency in newly generated iPSCs; (H) Alkaline Phosphatase and, (I) SSEA4 and OCT4.