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. 2021 Nov 27;13(11):1423–1435. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v13.i11.1423

Table 3.

Comparisons between the early and non-early recurrence group

Factors Early recurrence, n (%)
Non-early recurrence, n (%)
P value

N = 98 (24.1%)
N = 309 (75.9%)

Age in yr 0.21
<65 51 (52.0) 183 (59.2)
≥ 65 47 (48.0) 126 (40.8)
Sex 0.261
Male 59 (60.2) 166 (53.7)
Female 39 (39.8) 143 (46.3)
Tumor size, median in cm 0.001
< 2.5 23 (23.5) 129 (41.7)
≥ 2.5 75 (76.5) 180 (58.3)
RM 0.555
Negative 82 (83.7) 266 (86.1)
Positive 16 (16.3) 43 (13.9)
Tumor location 0.712
Head/uncinate 63 (64.3) 191 (62.2)
Neck/body/tail 35 (35.7) 116 (37.8)
Differentiation 0.002
Well 9 (9.2) 51 (16.5)
Moderate 65 (66.3) 223 (72.2)
Poor 22 (22.4) 32 (10.4)
Preoperative CA 19-9 in U/mL 0.004
Normal 28 (28.6) 139 (45.0)
Abnormal 70 (71.4) 170 (55.0)
LVi 0.125
No 57 (58.2) 206 (66.7)
Yes 41 (41.8) 103 (33.3)
PNi 0.516
No 24 (24.5) 86 (27.8)
Yes 74 (75.5) 223 (72.2)
NLR 0.768
< 2 60 (61.2) 184 (59.5)
≥ 2 38 (38.8) 125 (40.5)
Adj. CTx. 0.058
No 45 (45.9) 109 (35.3)
Yes 53 (54.1) 200 (64.7)
Recurrence pattern 0.121
Local 26 (26.5) 73 (35.4)
Systemic 72 (73.5) 133 (64.6)

Adj. CTx.: Adjuvant chemotherapy; CA 19-9: Carbohydrate antigen 19-9; LVi: Lymphovascular invasion; N: Total number of patients; NLR: Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio; PNi: Perineural invasion; RM: Resection margin.