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. 2021 Dec 7;375:e066991. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2021-066991

Table 6.

Economic analyses of the Guide to Action for Care Homes (GtACH) programme

Incremental cost effectiveness ratios Primary analysis (£) Multiple imputation analysis (£)
Base case
Per EQ-5D-5L-P based QALY 4543.69 4651.63
Per DEMQOL-P-U based QALY 20 889.42 20 557.80
Sensitivity analyses
With repeat GtACH use:
 Per EQ-5D-5L-P based QALY 5532.14 5663.56
 Per DEMQOL-P-U based QALY 25 433.80 25 030.04
With extra mortality cost:
 Per EQ-5D-5L-P based QALY 5245.37 5369.98
 Per DEMQOL-P-U based QALY 24 115.39 23 732.56
With repeat GtACH and extra mortality cost:
 Per EQ-5D-5L-P based QALY 6233.50 6381.58
 Per DEMQOL-P-U based QALY 28 658.26 28 203.32
Incremental cost per fall averted
Base case 190.62 188.72
With repeat GtACH use 232.09 229.77
With extra mortality cost 220.06 217.86
With repeat GtACH use and extra mortality cost 261.52 258.91

£1.00 (€1.19; $1.35).

EQ-5D-5L=EuroQoL index; DEMQOL-P-U=Dementia Quality of Life utility measure.