Boxes represent interquartile range, and lines across boxes indicate median values. Whiskers represent 10th percentile and 90th percentile values. All P values for sex differences in age are <.001. All P values for sex differences in NIHSS scores for ischemic stroke are <.001. P values for sex differences in NIHSS scores for intracerebral hemorrhage are .06 in 2000-2005, .006 in 2006-2010, .002 in 2011-2015, and <.001 in 2016-2019. P values for sex differences in WFNS grades are <.001 in 2000-2005, .81 in 2006-2010, 0.11 in 2011-2015, and .02 in 2016-2019. All P values for trends of age and NIHSS scores are <.001 in both sexes. P values for trends of WFNS grades are .28 for women and .64 for men.