Fig. 10.
Comparison of CSF/plasma concentration ratios (%) for lithium and passive permeability markers. A Following acute exposure (for lithium: n = 3–10 postnatal animals, n = 1 adult; data from Fig. 4) and B long-term exposure in rats at different stages of development (n = 1–3 postnatal animals, n = 2 adult; data from Fig. 5. CSF/plasma ratios are plotted against the molecular radius of the markers. The curves were fitted to the data for the passive markers using single phase exponential decay non-linear regression analysis with the maximum constrained to 100% (Graphpad Prism). Note lithium values for comparison with P20 diffusion data are from P16 animals. Each point represents the average CSF/plasma ratio (%) for each age within each treatment group. Permeability data for markers other than lithium from [39].