Figure 4.
Evaluation of target engagement of DDRi across cell lines. A, PAR relative light units (RLU) in no radiotherapy controls (-IR), or following a 6 Gy radiotherapy dose alone or in combination with an IC50 or IC90 concentration of olaparib (μmol/L) as indicated. 1 μmol/L was used as the maximum on-target concentration in in vitro assays. Hence, where IC50 values were higher than 1 μmol/L (NCI-H1299 and NCI-H1703), the level of PARylation inhibition of an IC50 concentration was compared with a 1μmol/L on-target concentration rather than the IC90 concentration. B–E, Cell lines were irradiated with 6 Gy in the presence or absence of an IC50 or IC90 concentration of ceralasertib (B), KU-60648 (C), adavosertib (D) and three concentrations of AZD0156 as indicated (E). Cell extracts were collected after 30 minutes and western blotted for total and phosphorylated (p-) proteins. GAPDH, Tubulin and Vinculin served as total loading controls for either phospho or total protein blots as indicated.