Table 2.
Year [Ref] |
Study Design
Study Size (% PWH) No. of Men and Women |
Study Population (Location, Race/Ethnicity, Age) | Outcomes Measured | Key Findings | Limitations |
Bone mineral density | |||||
Kalayjian et al, 2018 [25] | Longitudinal
N = 499 (100% PWH) 438 men, 61 women |
• PWH from US enrolled in 2 ACTG studies (A5224 & A5303)
• 46% White, 32% Black, 19% Hispanic • Mean age: 37 y (women), 40 y (men) |
BMD at left hip & lumbar spine at baseline (ART-naive) and 48wk post–ART initiation | • WWH vs MWH had lower adjusted baseline BMD at spine (–0.39g/cm2, P<.05) and hip (–0.05g/cm2, P<.05)
• WWH vs MWH had 1.7% greater adjusted BMD decline at hip (P<.05) • WWH vs MWH had 0.6% greater BMD decline at hip per 100 CD4+ cells/µL increase (P<.05) |
WWH were underrepresented, older, and more often Black compared with MWH. Did not control for substance use or capture menopause status. Did not include persons without HIV for comparison. |
Negredo et al, 2018 [30] | Longitudinal
N = 875 (100% PWH) 659 men, 216 women |
• PWH cared for at single HIV unit in Barcelona, Spain
• Racial/ethnic data not available • Median age: 42 y |
• Risk of progression to different BMD category after age 45 stratified by ART regimen: PI and/or TDF (primary)
• Probability of progression to different BMD category over 10 y (secondary) |
• WWH vs MWH had higher risk of progression from osteopenia to osteoporosis after age 45 y on a PI regimen: HR, 5.9 (95% CI, 1.2–27.6) vs 1.8 (95% CI, .9–3.4), respectively
• WWH vs MWH had higher risk of progression from osteopenia to osteoporosis after age 45 on combined PI + TDF regimen: HR, 6.9 (95% CI, 1.4–34.4) vs 1.2 (95% CI, .6–2.6), respectively • Probability of progression to lower BMD over 10 y was greater among MWH vs WWH up to age 50; however, greater among WWH vs MWH after age 50 |
WWH were underrepresented. Did not control for BMD loss risk factors including menopause status. Did not report statistical significance of sex differences. Did not include persons without HIV for comparison. |
Han et al, 2020 [31] | Prospective longitudinal cohort
N = 172 (62% PWH) 88 men, 84 women |
• ART-naive PWH and adults enrolled in TNT-HIV 003 bone substudy from Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre, Bangkok
• Median age: 38 y |
BMD loss (≥5%) at total hip, lumbar spine, and femoral neck at baseline, 1, 2, and 5 y post–ART initiation | • WWH vs MWH had higher adjusted odds of BMD loss at lumbar spine over 5 y (aOR, 3.0 [95% CI, 1.0–8.8], P=.05) but not at total hip (P=.2) or femoral neck (P=.8) | High rates of loss to follow-up among PWH. Did not capture menopause status. |
Fracture | |||||
Komatsu et al, 2018 [32] | Longitudinal
N = 3251 (100% PWH) 3040 men, 211 women |
• PWH cared for at 35 healthcare facilities across Japan
• Mean age: 41 y (women), 40 y (men) |
Cumulative risk of osteoporosis-related fracture after initiating TDF-containing regimen | • WWH vs MWH had higher fracture rate (42.2 vs 13.5 per 10 000 PY)
• WWH vs MWH were older at time of first fracture (66 vs 43 y) • WWH vs MWH had shorter average time to first fracture post–TDF initiation (123 vs 1438 d) |
WWH were underrepresented. Few total fractures reported over follow-up period. Did not report statistical significance of sex differences. Did not control for many fracture risk factors including menopause status. Did not include persons without HIV for comparison. |
Gedmintas et al, 2014 [33] | Longitudinal
N = 3161 (100% PWH) 2292 men, 869 women |
• PWH cared for at 2 Boston hospitals
• Racial/ethnic data not available • Mean age: 41 y (women), 44 y (men) |
Incident fracture rate at osteoporotic sites and nonosteoporotic sites overall and across 5 age strata | • No significant sex differences in fracture rates within any age stratum
• MWH vs WWH had a higher osteoporotic fracture risk across most age strata (IRR range, 1.07–1.54) except for those aged 46–55 (IRR, 0.88) • MWH vs WWH had similar risk of lifetime osteoporotic fractures (IRR, 1.26 [95% CI, .90–1.75]) • MWH vs WWH had similar lifetime IR of fracture at any site (IRR, 1.00 [95% CI, .83–1.19]) |
Not powered to detect sex differences between age strata. Did not control for many fracture risk factors including menopause status. Did not include persons without HIV for comparison. |
Abbreviations: ACTG, AIDS Clinical Trial Group; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; ART, antiretroviral therapy; BMD, bone mineral density; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; IR, incidence rate; IRR, incidence rate ratio; MWH, men with HIV; PI, protease inhibitor; PWH, persons with HIV; PY, person-years; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; WWH, women with HIV.