A) Learning curves of four example animals belonging to the first batch of rats (see Materials and methods), each trained with one of the four texture statistics: one-point (red), two-point (blue), three-point (purple), and four-point (green). During this phase, animals had to discriminate textures containing a single high intensity level of the assigned statistic (see examples in
Figure 1A, right) from white noise. Each curve shows the performance of a rat (i.e. the fraction of correct choices), as computed in consecutive blocks of 500 trials. The dashed line indicates the 65% criterion performance that rats of the first batch had to reach in order to be moved to the next experimental phase (see Materials and methods). As exemplified by these four animals, rats trained on different statistics required different lengths of time to learn the discrimination – animals trained on one- and two-point statistics reached and maintained a performance above criterion considerably earlier than those trained on three- and four-point. Specifically, considering only those rats that reached criterion performance, animals trained on one-point correlations required on average 3.5 ± 0.3 blocks of 500 trials (n = 9) to reach criterion; those trained on two-point correlations 5.3 ± 1.3 (n = 8); those trained on 3-point statistic 3.4 ± 1.6 (n = 5); and those trained on four-point correlations 11.8 ± 1.6 (n = 10). (
B) Minimal intensity levels of the statistics that the same animals shown in A were able to discriminate from white noise across consecutive sessions (colored dots) of the second phase of the experiment, when the rats were exposed to progressively lower intensities through a staircase procedure (see Materials and methods). Sessions where the number of trials performed by the animals was below 50 are not shown in these graphs.