Fig. 4. SFSV NSs suppresses translational impacts induced by thapsigargin.
a Global protein synthesis rate measured by OP-puro labeling in control, SFSV NSs-expressing, or SFSV NSs-c1 + 2-Ala-mut-expressing cells. Cells were also treated with 50 or 500 nM Tg. Representative images of three biologically independent replicates of labeled nascent proteins (IR800 signal) and total protein with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) staining are shown. b Quantification of nascent proteins labeled with OP-puro, normalized by total protein in (a). Data of three replicates (points) and the means (bars) are shown. c Histogram of the number of transcripts along the footprint change in cells treated with 500 nM Tg. Data were normalized to the mean of footprint change of mitochondrial genome-encoded genes (used as internal spike-ins). Bin width is 0.1. d MA (M, log ratio; A, mean average) plot of the ribosome occupancy change in control vector-transfected cells treated with 500 nM Tg. High-sensitive and low-sensitive mRNAs (defined as false discovery rate [FDR] < 0.05) are highlighted. e, f Heatmap of ribosome occupancy changes on uORF-containing stress-resistant mRNAs (identified in ref. 28) (e) and XBP1s extension (f), compared to control vector-transfected cells treated with 0 nM Tg. The log2-fold change scales are shown at the color bars. Schematic representations of the XBP1 gene are shown on the top of f. The intron in the XBP1u mRNA is spliced to produce the C-terminally extended protein upon ER stress. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.