Fig. 6. IRE1α specific inhibitor BI09 protects mice from lupus pathogenesis.
(A) Data analysis of Proteinuria Score from lupus mice treated with BI09 and Control (Red, n=7; blue, n=6) for 3 weeks. (B & C) Representative images (B) and quantitative measures (C) of kidney glomeruli immunofluorescent staining of IgG1 from lupus mice treated with BI09 and Control DMSO. (D-G) Representative images of PAS- stained kidneys sections (D, top panels), its GN Score (E) and IN Score (F), as well as H&E–stained lung (middle panels) and liver (bottom panels) sections (D) and data analysis (G) of Pneumonitis Scores and Hepatitis Scores from lupus mice treated with BI09 and Control. (H) Data analysis of Dermatitis Scores from lupus mice treated with BI09 and Control. (I & J) Representative FACS image (I) and data plot (J) of IgG1 staining from serum samples from lupus mice treated with BI09 and control. (K-M) Representative flow cytometric profiles (K) and data plots (L & M) show and absolute numbers of CD3-B220intCD138hi PCs in splenocytes (K & L) and frequencies in lymph nodes (K & M) from lupus mice treated with BI09 and Control. (N) Lipid bodipy analyses of B cells from BI09 treated and control mice are shown. Significance determined by an unpaired Student’s t–test (two-tailed). * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, and **** p<0.0001. Scale bar, 200 μm.