Localization of GFAP and LPS in the vesicles in AD and aging WM. (A) GFAP was intensely stained in the control PVWM myelin deficient zone, which forms a GFAP reactive layer immediately beneath the ependymal lining (A1,A3). DAPI stained all nuclei in the section, including the ependymal cells (A2,A3). (B) GFAP was intensely stained in the AD PVWM myelin deficient zone, which forms a GFAP reactive layer immediately beneath the ependymal cells (B1,B3). The GFAP stained layer was thicker where ependymal cells were partially lost (B1–B3, red arrow) compared to areas where ependymal cells were intact (B1–B3; yellow arrow). DAPI staining showed loss of ependymal cells in some areas (B2,B3 red arrow). (C) In control deep white matter (Con DWM), scattered astrocytes were observed (C1) a few of which stained for LPS (C2,C3). (D) In Alzheimer's Disease deep white matter (AD DWM) scattered astrocytes (D1) were also observed, many of which stained for LPS (D1–D3, arrow). (E) In control periventricular white matter (Con PVWM) scattered astrocytes were observed (E1) some of which were stained for LPS (E2,E3, arrow). (F) In Alzheimer's Disease periventricular white matter (AD PVWM) there was dense GFAP staining throughout the myelin deficient zone (F1). LPS staining showed discrete vesicles in this zone (F2), the margins of which appeared to co-localize with or were immediately adjacent to GFAP positive astrocytic processes (F3). Note: LPS, lipopolysaccharide; V, ventricle; WM, white matter; PVWM, periventricular white matter; DAPI, nuclear stain; DWM, deep white matter; AD, Alzheimer's disease; Bar = 100 μm in (A,B); Bar = 50 μm in (C–F).