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. 2021 Dec 12;22(12):683–694. doi: 10.1111/1751-2980.13065


Characteristics of included studies about COVID‐19 with gastrointestinal symptoms

Manuscript type Study period (2020) Patients (n) Age, y (mean ± SD or median [IQR]) Male sex, % or n (%) Patients with GI symptoms, n (%) Diarrhea, % or n (%) Time end‐point Hospitalization, n (%) ICU stay, n (%) Death, % or n (%)
First author (publication year) Country or region Nausea n (%) Vomiting n (%) Abdominal pain n (%) Anorexia n (%) Duration of GI symptoms (d) Mean ± SD or median (IQR) Follow‐up (d)

Papa 86 (2020)

Italy Case‐control 15/3‐14/4


71 #

71 (64‐82)*,

74 (59.5‐81) #


43 #


44 #

Discharge Case‐control 15/3‐14/4


71 #

Aghemo 87 (2020)

Italy Retrospective 22/2/‐30/3 292 65 ± 14.1 199 (68.2) 69/245 (28.2) 69/255 (27.1) 11/274 (4.0) Discharge, death or to ICU Retrospective 22/2/‐30/3 292

Ahmad 88 (2021)

Pakistan Retrospective 16/3‐14/4 194 34 (27‐48) 157 (80.9) 20 (10.31) 8 (4.12) 5 (2.58) 2020‐4‐14 Retrospective 16/3‐14/4 194
An 89 (2020) China Retrospective 16/1‐30/3 205 54 (22‐77) 122 (59.5) 79 (38.5) 20 (9.8) 12 (5.9) 6 (2.9) 4 (2.0) 59 (28.8) Discharge Retrospective 16/1‐30/3 205
Aumpan 90 (2020) Thailand Retrospective 1/1‐30/4

40 (30 & ;

10 )

30.5 ± 9.2 18 (45) 12 (30) 15 (2/30 & 4/10 ) 5 (0/30 & 2/10 ) 5 (1/30 & , 1/10 ) 17.5 (5/30 & ; 2/10 ) Discharge Retrospective 1/1‐30/4

40 (30 & ;

10 )

Bishehsari 91 (2021)

USA Retrospective 12/3‐3/4 921

47.6 (16.0)

52.4 (17.1)

409 (44.4) 206 (22.4) 144 (15.6) 127 (13.8) 52 (5.6) Retrospective 12/3‐3/4 921

Burke 11 (2020)

USA Retrospective 19/1‐3/6 164 50 56 97 (59) 38 13 Retrospective 19/1‐3/6 164

Cao 92 (2020)

China Retrospective 63 ; 94 51.9 ± 14.9 , 47.5 ± 14.0 24 (38.1) ; 50 (53.2) 63 (40.1) 25/63 (39.7) 21/63 (33.3) 47/63 (74.6) 10.7 ± 4.5 , 9.1 ± 5.2 16.0 ± 4.9 Discharge Retrospective 63 ; 94

Carvalho‐Schneider 93 (2021)

France Retrospective 17/3‐3/6 150 a ; 150 b ; 130 c 49 ± 15 66 (44) 48 (33.1) a 26 (17.3) b 15 (11.5) c

44 (29.3) a , 13 (8.7) b

5 (3.8) c

60 Retrospective 17/3‐3/6 150 a ; 150 b ; 130 c

Chen 94 (2020)

USA Case‐control 9/3‐15/4


239 #

48.3 ± 14.7*; 46.3 ± 15.6 # 41 (41)*; 55 (23) #

75 (74)*;

126 (53) #

51 (50)*;

72 (30) #

30 (30)*;

62 (26) #

14 (14)*; 29 (12) # 26 (26)*; 46 (19) # 54 (53)*; 63 (26) #

4 (4)*;

4 (5) #

Prevalence of GI symptoms Case‐control 9/3‐15/4


239 #

Chen 95 (2020)

China Retrospective 25/1‐21/3 1077 59.0 (47.0‐68.0) 550 (49.4) 359 (33.3) 208 (57.9) 71 (19.8) 38 (10.6) Discharge Retrospective 25/1‐21/3 1077

Chen 18 (2020)

China Retrospective 20/1‐9/2 42 51 (42.8‐62) 15 (35.7) 8 (19.1) 7 (16.7) 4 (9.5) 3 (7.1) 5 (11.9) Discharge Retrospective 20/1‐9/2 42

Cholankeril 96 (2020)

USA Retrospective 9/3‐7/4 207 49 (34‐65) 104 (50.2) 70 (34.5) 22 (10.8) 14 (7.1) 1 (0‐4) At presentation Retrospective 9/3‐7/4 207

Deng 97 (2020)

China Retrospective 24/1‐10/3 61 d 54.8 (12.9) 25 (41) 3 (4.9) 10 (7‐13) Retrospective 24/1‐10/3 61 d

Duque 98 (2021)

Portugal Retrospective Before 1/4 2031 50 ± 19.8 973 (47) 290 (14.3) 202 (10) 134 (6.6) Retrospective Before 1/4 2031

Elmunzer 99 (2020)

North America Retrospective 15/4‐5/6 1992 51 (41‐68) 1128 (56.6) 1052 (53) 34 27 16 11 June 5, 2020 Retrospective 15/4‐5/6 1992

Fallouh 100 (2021)

USA Retrospective 24/2‐21/5 382 62.2 ± 16.8 203 (53.1) 202 (52.9) 28.8 22 17 11.8 24.9 Retrospective 24/2‐21/5 382
Ferm 101 (2020) USA Retrospective 14/3‐1/4 892 59 (47‐72) 534 (59.9) 219 (24.6) 177 (19.8) 148 (16.6) 91 (10.2) 70 (7.8) 105 (11.8) 4 (3‐7) April 1, 2020 Retrospective 14/3‐1/4 892

Graham 102 (2021)

UK Retrospective 23/2‐23/4 478 70 (23) 279 (58.4) 161 (33.7) 17.4 7.5 13 7.3 13.8 Retrospective 23/2‐23/4 478

Greco 103 (2021)

Italy Retrospective Mar‐Jul 495 70 ± 17 23 (37.1) 62 (12.5) 100 days Retrospective Mar‐Jul 495

Guerra 104 (2020)

Spain Cross‐sectional 24/4‐27/5 82 e 46 ± 14 38 (46.3) 35 (42.7) 12 (14.6) May 27, 2020 Cross‐sectional 24/4‐27/5 82 e

Kim 105 (2021)

Korea Retrospective 19/2‐30/4 5253

1796 (40.4) &

380 (47.0)†

375 (8.4) &

87 (10.8)

178(4.0) &

62 (7.7)

Retrospective 19/2‐30/4 5253

Lapostolle 17 (2020)

France Prospective


1487 44 (32‐57) 700 (47) 352 (23.7) 288 (19.4) 168 (11.3) 305 (20.5) 0.5 48h Prospective



Laszkowska 106 (2020)

USA Retrospective 11/3‐28/4 2804 63.4 ± 18.4 1565 (56) 1084 (38.7) 657 (23.4) 648 (23.2) 334 (11.9) 13.8 Discharge Retrospective 11/3‐28/4 2804

Leal 107 (2021)

Portugal Retrospective Mar‐Apr 201 71 (26) 113 (56.2) 60 (29.9) 36 (17.9) 14 (7) 22 (10.9) 10 (5) 60 (29.9) 9 (12) Retrospective Mar‐Apr 201

Luo 10 (2021)

China Retrospective 10/1‐29/2

183 f ;

1228 g

53.8 f ;

56.2 g

55.7 f ; 64.5 g 68 (37.1) f 134 (73.2) f 119 (65.0) f 65 (35.5) f 180 (98.3) f Retrospective 10/1‐29/2

183 f ;

1228 g

Mario 108 (2020)

Spain Retrospective‐prospective 11/3‐21/4 76 45.8 ± 11.4 23 (30.3) 45 (59.2) 31 (40.8) 17 (22.4) 7 (9.2) 21 (27.6) 12 (15.8) Up to 2020/04/21 First negative PCR Retrospective‐prospective 11/3‐21/4 76

Martin 46 (2020)

USA Case‐control 4‐23/4

41 h

82 i

68.7 ± 15.1 h , 67.6 ± 14.3 i 27 (66) h , 54 (66) i 11 (27) h , 27 (33) i

1 (2) h

8 (10) i

7 (17) h

26 (32) i

Discharge Case‐control 4‐23/4

41 h

82 i

Mokarram 109 (2021)

Italy Retrospective Mar‐Sept 91 51 56 (51) 29 (31.8) 39 (42.8) 24 (26.3) 11 (12) 40 (43.9) Retrospective Mar‐Sept 91

O'Keefe 110 (2021)

USA Retrospective 24/3‐26/5 337 (223 & ; 106 ; 8 ) 45.7 (44.1‐47.2) 108 (32)

62 (28) &

48 (45)

2 (25)

32 (15) &

45 (42) , 5 (63)

27 (12) &

25 (24)

1 (13)

6 (5‐8) j

7 (6‐8) k , 4 (2‐6) l

30 Retrospective 24/3‐26/5 337 (223 & ; 106 ; 8 )

Park 111 (2020)

Korea Prospective 4‐24/4 46 & 26 (18‐57) 21 (45.6) 16 (34.7) 7 (15.2) 1 (2.1) 0 5 (10.8) 5 (10.8) 52 (39‐61) 2020/4/24 Prospective 4‐24/4 46 &

Ramachandran 112 (2020)

USA Case‐control 18‐31/3



57.6 ± 17.2 , 63.3 ± 14.6

19 (62.3)

64 (53.8)

15 (48.4) Discharge Case‐control 18‐31/3



Remes‐Troche 113 (2020)

Mexico Retrospective 1/4‐5/5 112 43.72 ± 15 81 (72.3) 23 (20.5) 20 (17.8) 8 (7.1) 11 (9.8) May 5, 2020 Retrospective 1/4‐5/5 112

Renelus 114 (2020)

USA Retrospective 10/3‐13/4 734 66.1 ± 15.6 379 (51.6) 231 (31.5) 149 (20.3) 109 (14.9) 62 (8.5) 68 (9.3) 30/4 2020 Retrospective 10/3‐13/4 734

Saeed 115 (2020)

Norway Retrospective 17/3‐1/4 76 (9*) 48 (31‐81) 76 (100) 1 (11.1)* 8 (88.9)* 5 (55.6)* 76 (100) 14.1 Retrospective 17/3‐1/4 76 (9*)

Schettino 116 (2020)

Italy Prospective cohort 23/3‐5/4 190 64.6 ± 15.4 127 (66.8) 138 (72.6) 72 (37.9) 32 (20) 19 (10) 6 (3.1) 97 (51) Discharge or death Prospective cohort 23/3‐5/4 190

Shang 13 (2020)

China Retrospective 20/1‐29/2 157 j 59 (43‐67) 75 (47.8) 157 (100) 42 (26.8) 32 (10.4) 8 (5.1) 4.5±1.6 Discharge Retrospective 20/1‐29/2 157 j

Sierpinski 117 (2020)

Poland Cross‐sectional 17‐18/4 1942 50 773 (39.8) 53.60 470 (24.2) 912 (47) Cross‐sectional 17‐18/4 1942
Sulaiman 118 (2020) Iraq Retrospective 2/3‐1/5 140 45.0 ± 16.8 100 (71.4)

78 (55.7)

33 (23.6) f

41 (29.3) 31 (22.1) 42 (30) 40 (28.6) Discharge Retrospective 2/3‐1/5 140

Sun 119 (2021)

China Retrospective 20/2‐31/3 932 (880 & , ; 52 ) 58 (48‐67) 375 (40.2) 73 (8.3) & , , 7 (13.5) 31 (3.5) & , ; 1 (1.9) 178 (20.2) & , ; 25 (48.1) 5 (4‐12) 90 Retrospective 20/2‐31/3 932 (880 & , ; 52 )
Taziki Balajelini 120 (2021) Iran Retrospective Feb‐Jul 599 38.3 ± 13.6 286 (47.8) 251 (41.9) 151 (25.2) 123 (20.5) 77 (12.9) 159 (26.5) Retrospective Feb‐Jul 599

Tsibouris 121 (2020)

Greece Retrospective 6/4‐6/5 61 70 (55‐83) 34 (55.7) 11/61 4/61 2/61 May 6, 2020 Retrospective 6/4‐6/5 61

Xiao 122 (2020)

China Descriptive


90 61.0 (48.3‐69.0) 51 (57) 90 (100) 22 (24) 15 (17) 6 (7) 22 (24) 5 (2.0‐9.3) Discharge Descriptive



Xu 123 (2020)

China Retrospective 26/1‐20/3 48 41 (18‐90) 25 (52.1) 12 (25) 3 1 3 Retrospective 26/1‐20/3 48

Yang 124 (2020)

China Retrospective 2‐13/2 50 (23 ; 27 g )

44.6 ± 2.8

42.5 ± 3.3 g

13 (56.5)

15 (55.6) g

23 (100) 12.13 ± 2.44 Discharge Retrospective 2‐13/2 50 (23 ; 27 g )
Yoshida 125 (2020) USA Retrospective 27/2‐5/7 776 60.5 (16.1) 365 (47.3) 269 (36.6) 187 (25.4) 154 (21) 65 (8.8) Retrospective 27/2‐5/7 776

Zhang 126 (2020)

China Retrospective 505 51.2±17.2 228 (45.1) 164 (32.5) 62/164 27/164 13/164 17/164 93/164 Retrospective 505

Zhang 69 (2020)

China Retrospective 20/1‐29/2 409 (307 m ; 102 n ) 65 (range 28‐87)

162 (52.8) m

72(70.6) n

61 (19.9) m , 30 (29.4) n 38 (12.4) m , 12 (11.8) n 33 (12.4) m , deceased: 9 (8.8) n 23 (7.5) m , 5 (4.9) 4.2 ± 1.5 m , 4.9 ± 1.5 n Discharge or death Retrospective 20/1‐29/2 409 (307 m ; 102 n )

Zhang 3 (2020)

China Retrospective 17/1‐12/2 788 (52 & ; 658 ; 61 ; 17**)

37.5 (19.3‐45.8) &

45.0 (35.0‐55.0)

55.0 (44.0‐62.0) ,

70.0 (55.0‐73.0)**

26 (50.0) &

329 (50.0)



7(13.5) & , 63(9.6) , 12(19.7) , 6(35.3)** Discharge Retrospective 17/1‐12/2 788 (52 & ; 658 ; 61 ; 17**)

Zheng 127 (2020)

China Retrospective 5/1‐9/3 1320 (192 ; 1128 )

50 (38‐56)

51 (41‐58)



192 (100)


107 (55.7) 11 (5.7) 62 (32.3) Discharge Retrospective 5/1‐9/3 1320 (192 ; 1128 )
Zhu 128 (2020) China Retrospective Before Feb 4, 90 d 52 (37.8‐59) 32 (32.7) 8 (8.2) d 14 2 weeks Retrospective Before Feb 4, 90 d

COVID‐19 cases group.


Control group without COVID‐19.


Mild COVID‐19.

Moderate COVID‐19.

Severe COVID‐19.


Critical COVID‐19.

COVID‐19 with GI symptoms.

COVID‐19 without GI symptoms.


Initial onset of COVID‐19.


30 days after initial onset of COVID‐19.


60 days after initial onset of COVID‐19.


COVID‐19 patients in recovery stage.


COVID‐19 with inflammatory bowel disease.


COVID‐19 patients with GI symptom only.


COVID‐19 patients with respiratory symptom.


COVID‐19 patients with GIB.


COVID‐19 patients without GIB.


COVID‐19 patients with diarrhea.


COVID‐19 patients with nausea.


COVID‐19 patients with abdominal pain.


Survived COVID‐19 patients.


Deteriorated COVID‐19 patients.

Abbreviations: —, not available; GI, gastrointestinal; GIB, gastrointestinal bleeding; ICU, intensive care unit.