Gender; age; time in service; education level; role; ethnicity; sector and type of facility; location of facility |
Daily tasks; department; responsibilities |
In what capacity staff had been in contact with COVID‐19 patients; how they found working with them; emotional and psychological effects; the effects of PPE on delivering care |
Effect on staff daily tasks and ability to deliver care; cancellation of elective surgeries; isolation of suspected and confirmed cases; impact on the supply of drugs and equipment; redeployment of staff |
Whether they felt these strategies were enough; what was successful; what should have been prepared differently; training; guidance |
In relation to the national effort; in relation to their own work (response efforts, PPE, services) |
Sleeping; eating; concentration; additional worries or anxiety |
Are they aware of support available; have they had the opportunity to speak about their mental health; worrying experiences; interactions between colleagues |
Tasks and responsibilities related to advanced care planning, symptom management, comfort, end‐of‐life decision‐making, communicating with families; difficulties and challenges; emotional impact on staff; training and support available; communicating with family members; differences to normal palliative care; how much choice patients had; rules and policies |
What was working well; what can be improved; what support needed to be offered to staff delivering palliative care; bereavement support to families |
Support to staff from health system and partners; capacity for rapid response; policies and emergency protocols; maintaining normal services; general practice health promotion and community engagement; linkage to support organisations |
Support to staff from other sources; coordination and official guidance of COVID−19 response; early detection and reporting; volunteers; disease outbreak control activities; testing public and staff |
Experiences in relation to gender, race, ethnicity; home life; caring responsibilities, pregnancy |