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. 2021 Sep 27;34(4):769–777. doi: 10.1111/den.14133

Table 3.

Questionnaire survey on high‐resolution manometry for healthcare professionals (n = 13)

Restriction on the number of HRM procedures 61.5% (8/13)
Period of restriction on the number of HRM procedures* 57.5 days (29–131)
Capacity of HRM procedures at the time of restriction* 35% (0–50)
Reasons for the decrease in the number of HRM a
Management policy of the hospital 75.0% (6/8)
Postponement or cancellation of nonurgent examinations 25.0% (2/8)
Lack of PPE 25.0% (2/8)
Lack of medical staff due to COVID‐19 medical treatment 0% (0/8)
COVID‐19 screening before examination
Body temperature 100.0% (13/13)
Symptoms related to COVID‐19 92.3% (12/13)
Exposure to patients with COVID‐19 or traveling to a high‐risk area 76.9% (10/13)
Implementation location a
Endoscopy room b 92.3% (12/13)
Fluoroscopy room b 7.7% (1/13)
Procedure room b 7.7% (1/13)
Cap 46.2% (6/13)
No use of cap 53.8% (7/13)
Goggles 46.2% (6/13)
Face shield 46.2% (6/13)
No use of goggles or face shield 7.7% (1/13)
Surgical mask 92.3% (12/13)
N95 mask 7.7% (1/13)
Long‐sleeved gown 76.9% (10/13)
Short‐sleeved gown 23.1% (3/13)
Gloves (single pair) 92.3% (12/13)
Gloves (double pair) 7.7% (1/13)

Median (range).


Duplicate answers are allowed.


Without negative pressure function.

COVID‐19, coronavirus disease 2019; HRM, high‐resolution manometry; PPE, personal protective equipment.