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. 2021 Sep 6;92(5):e798–e816. doi: 10.1111/cdev.13662


Descriptive statistics and zero‐order correlations for key study variables

Variables M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Child HTKST1 11.89 13.02
2. SDQ DifficultiesT1 33.64 4.74 −.29*
3. SDQ DifficultiesT2 33.37 5.98 −.23 .65**
4. SDQ DifficultiesT3 33.02 6.21 −.27t .63** .63**
5. ACRT2 0.00 0.98 .42** −.27t −.24 −.32*
6. NCFLT2 −0.02 0.58 .42** .38** .24 .21 −.47**
7. FIT2 −0.06 0.77 −.16 .20 .20 .22 −.27t −.04
8. MDST3 1.23 1.10 −.13 .40** .56** .54** −.35* .09 .28t
9. PST3 2.80 0.60 −.38* .24 .34* .34* −.15 .20 .30* .35*
10. Mother HCCT1 a 0.75 0.29 .01 .15 .15 .16 −.19 .23 .11 .12 .09
11. Mother HCCT2 a 0.58 0.31 .05 .05 −.10 .06 .01 .10 −.32* .01 −.16 .29t
12. Child HCCT1 a 0.48 0.44 −.03 .10 .27 .19 −.17 .07 .44** .11 .19 .11 −.41*
13. Child HCCT2 a 0.43 0.34 −.01 −.02 −.07 .03 −.19 .39* .17 .13 .13 .32t −.06 .55**

Abbreviations: ACRT2, adaptive coping responses at Time 2; FIT2, financial impact at Time 2; HCC, hair cortisol concentrations; HTKST1, head‐toes‐knees‐shoulders at Time 1; MDST3, maternal depressive symptoms at Time 3; NCFLT2, negative changes to family life at Time 2; PST3, parenting stress at Time 3; SDQ, strength & difficulties questionnaire.

t p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01 (all tests were two‐tailed).


Log‐transformed value.