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. 2021 Oct 11;31(1):91–103. doi: 10.1111/inm.12938

Table 6.

Simple slopes analysis for the relationship between pandemic‐related stress and each psychological adjustment outcome (n = 767)

Values of the moderator Psychological adjustment outcome
Depression Anxiety Subjective well‐being
B (SE B) t P B (SE B) t P B (SE B) t P
Low self‐compassion 0.33 (0.02) 18.64 <0.001 n/a −0.11 (0.01) 9.38 <0.001
High self‐compassion 0.24 (0.02) 10.48 <0.001 −0.16 (0.02) 9.38 <0.001
Low posttraumatic growth 0.34 (0.02) 16.34 <0.001 0.29 (0.02) 16.11 <0.001 −0.17 (0.01) 12.63 <0.001
High posttraumatic growth 0.23 (0.02) 12.50 <0.001 0.22 (0.02) 14.12 <0.001 −0.10 (0.01) 8.11 <0.001

No simple slopes analysis conducted due to non‐significant interaction. Regression coefficients reported are unstandardized. Simple slopes are for relatively high (+1 SD) and low (−1 SD) levels of the moderator.