Figure 3.
(a) Rhinophyma-like cutaneous leishmaniasis (b) post-treatment at 4 weeks, (c) zoosteriform cutaneous leishmaniasis, (d) post systemic treatment at 18 days of IV SSG, (e) Crusted plaque on the right cheek, near the lower eyelid, (f) post-treatment scar and milia can be seen, (g) Ulcerated plaque on tip of the nose, (h) post-treatment scarring and hyperplgmentation (i) Indurated plaque on the nose and multiple papules on the cheek, (j) Post-treatment hyperpigmentation and mild scarring, (k) Amastigote form of the parasite in Giemsa-stained slit skin smears (×1000), (l) Chronic lymphomononuclear, plasmacytic infiltrate, and occasional LD bodies. (H and E, ×400)