Left, representative experiment. Right, grouped data for rats that
received BIBO3304 (n=7) or aCSF (n=4). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was
conducted on the time course every 5 min. The analysis revealed significant
changes in BAT SNA [Fgroup=29.4 (1,9), P<0.05;
Ftime=3.5 (6,66), P<0.01; Finteraction=4.13
(6,54), P<0.005]; BAT temperature [Fgroup=23.3 (1,9),
P<0.001; Ftime=5.6 (6,66), P<0.0005;
Finteraction=4.13 (6,66), P<0.005]; CO2
[Fgroup=0.17 (1,9), P>0.10; Ftime=5.5 (6,66),
P<0.0005; Finteraction=4.26 (6,66), P<0.005; HR
[Fgroup=59.5 (1,9), P<0.0001; Ftime=4.7 (6,66),
P<0.001; Finteraction=4.17 (6,66), P<0.005]; and MAP
[Fgroup=8.2 (1,9), P<0.05; Ftime=0.92 (6,66),
P>0.10; Finteraction=0.87 (6,66), P>0.10]. *:
P<0.05, compared to basal. †: P<0.05, between group