Fig. 3. In warmed rats, blockade of DMH NPY Y1R with BIBO3304 increases BAT SNA and temperature, expired CO2, MAP, and HR.
Left, representative experiment. Right, grouped data for rats that received BIBO3304 (n=7) or aCSF (n=4). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was conducted on the time course every 5 min. The analysis revealed significant changes in BAT SNA [Fgroup=29.4 (1,9), P<0.05; Ftime=3.5 (6,66), P<0.01; Finteraction=4.13 (6,54), P<0.005]; BAT temperature [Fgroup=23.3 (1,9), P<0.001; Ftime=5.6 (6,66), P<0.0005; Finteraction=4.13 (6,66), P<0.005]; CO2 [Fgroup=0.17 (1,9), P>0.10; Ftime=5.5 (6,66), P<0.0005; Finteraction=4.26 (6,66), P<0.005; HR [Fgroup=59.5 (1,9), P<0.0001; Ftime=4.7 (6,66), P<0.001; Finteraction=4.17 (6,66), P<0.005]; and MAP [Fgroup=8.2 (1,9), P<0.05; Ftime=0.92 (6,66), P>0.10; Finteraction=0.87 (6,66), P>0.10]. *: P<0.05, compared to basal. †: P<0.05, between group difference.