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. 2021 Dec 8;99(12):skab286. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab286

Table 2.

Effects of feeding mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and Lactobacillus mucosae (LM) on performance of weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharides (LPS)1

Treatment1 P-values
BW, kg
 Day 0 5.89 5.88 5.89 5.87 0.18 0.927 0.991 0.980
 Day 7 6.02 5.97 5.79 5.70 0.20 0.750 0.240 0.926
 Day 14 7.82 7.85 7.88 7.69 0.34 0.813 0.889 0.767
 Day 21 9.67 10.19 10.19 9.65 0.49 0.744 0.722 0.205
 Day 35 18.32 18.14 18.82 17.96 1.16 0.655 0.892 0.768
Pre-LPS challenge
Day 0 to 7
 ADG, g 17.98 13.09 -15.36 -24.41 20 0.737 0.105 0.920
 ADFI, g 102.68 100.12 127.86 129.17 11 0.968 0.096 0.900
 G:F, g/kg
Days 7 to 14
 ADG, g 258.10 267.74 298.81 284.64 28 0.939 0.338 0.687
 ADFI, g 306.49 303.69 325.71 328.10 24 0.993 0.376 0.915
 G:F, g/kg 841.61 877.64 918.71 861.44 37 0.841 0.567 0.385
Days 0 to 14
 ADG, g 138.04 140.41 141.72 130.12 16 0.780 0.841 0.672
 ADFI, g 204.58 201.90 226.78 228.63 17 0.981 0.178 0.897
 G:F, g/kg 668.34ab 686.96a 627.97ab 561.48b 36 0.523 0.042 0.265
Post-LPS challenge
Days 14 to 21
 ADG, g 271.57 339.39 350.82 292.14 35 0.898 0.654 0.094
 ADFI, g 440.83 502.59 487.37 482.90 38 0.460 0.727 0.395
 G:F, g/kg 615.09ab 673.85ab 715.41a 599.76b 38 0.466 0.735 0.040
Days 21 to 28
 ADG, g 571.79 541.79 573.87 523.27 29 0.196 0.785 0.733
 ADFI, g 781.70 752.50 829.29 803.33 41 0.517 0.257 0.969
 G:F, g/kg 731.40a 719.53a 693.78ab 651.50b 16 0.119 0.007 0.364
Days 28 to 35
 ADG, g 648.04 589.88 626.67 649.58 34 0.619 0.588 0.262
 ADFI, g 993.93ab 884.59b 1,029.29ab 1,039.70a 50 0.342 0.050 0.254
 G:F, g/kg 650.71 665.42 612.12 625.82 22 0.525 0.097 0.982
Days 21 to 35
 ADG, g 609.91 565.83 600.27 586.43 28 0.316 0.846 0.595
 ADFI, g 887.81 818.54 929.28 921.52 42 0.382 0.114 0.482
 G:F, g/kg 686.50ab 690.69a 648.55ab 636.80b 17 0.827 0.019 0.647
Days 0 to 35
 ADG, g 355.29 348.33 363.51 349.05 18 0.564 0.809 0.839
 ADFI, g 470.30 450.76 483.46 481.78 23 0.657 0.361 0.708
 G:F, g/kg 754.99 774.81 751.70 726.71 24 0.915 0.301 0.364

1Supplementation of 0.1% of MOS in the diet and approximately 109 cfu of LM per pig was done in Phase I (days 1 to 14) and Phase II (days 15 to 28). The n = 4 replicates per treatment; there were six pigs per pen from days 0 to 14, five pigs per pen from days 14 to 21, and four pigs per pen from days 21 to 35.

2ADFI, average daily feed intake; ADG, average daily gain; BW, body weight; G:F, gain-to-feed ratio; LPS, lipopolysaccharide.

3Pooled standard error of the treatment means.

a,bMeans within rows with different superscript are different at P ≤ 0.05.