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. 2021 Dec 9;39(1):1–21. doi: 10.1007/s40266-021-00909-8

Table 3.

Key trials in the development of the serotonin (5-HT)3-receptor antagonist palonosetron

References Design Investigational arm Comparator Chemotherapy Primary parameter Result
Gralla et al. [88]

R, DB, P

n = 563

a) PAL 0.25 mg IV

b) PAL 0.75 mg IV

OND 32 mg IV Low-dose CIS, various MEC Complete response (no EE, no rescue medication) 0–24 h Both doses of PAL noninferior to OND
Eisenberg et al. [89]

R, DB, P

n = 569

a) PAL 0.25 mg IV

b) PAL 0.75 mg IV

DOL 100 mg IV Low-dose CIS, AC or various MEC Complete response (no EE, no rescue medication) 0–24 h Both doses of PAL noninferior to DOL
Aapro et al. [90]

R, DB, P

n = 667

a) PAL 0.25 mg IV ± DEX 20 mg IV

b) PAL 0.75 mg IV ± DEX 20 mg IV

OND 32 mg IV ± DEX 20 mg IV Various HEC, primarily CIS Complete response (no EE, no rescue medication) 0–24 h Both doses of PAL noninferior to OND
Saito et al. [91]

R, DB, P

n = 1119

PAL 0.75 mg IV + DEX 16 mg IV on day 1 + DEX 8 mg IV (CIS) or 4 mg PO (AC) ×1 on days 2–3 GRA 40 µg/kg IV + DEX 16 mg IV on day 1 + DEX 8 mg IV (CIS) or 4 mg PO (AC) ×1 on days 2–3 CIS or AC Complete response (no EE, no rescue medication) 0–24 h and 25–120 h PAL + DEX noninferior 0–24 h and PAL + DEX superior to GRA + DEX 25–120 h

A anthracycline, C cyclophosphamide, CIS cisplatin, DB double-blind, DEX dexamethasone, DOL dolasetron, EE emetic episodes, GRA granisetron, HEC highly emetogenic chemotherapy, IV intravenously, MEC moderately emetogenic chemotherapy, OND ondansetron, P parallel, PAL palonosetron, PLA placebo, PO orally, R randomized