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. 2021 Jun 7;25(12):3056–3063. doi: 10.1007/s11605-021-05045-7

Table 2.

BMI, ΔBMI, %EWL, and %TWL changes over the study period

Before index operation Nadir Pre-LAGB FU 1 year FU 2 years FU 3 years FU 4 years FU 5 years FU 6 years FU 7 years FU 8 years
Available subjects (n) 20 20 20 20 18 12 9 9 7 5 1
Eligible subjects (n) 20 20 20 20 18 12 9 9 8 6 1
BMI (kg/m2) 42.5 (41.3–45.4) 29.1 (27.1–35.1) 34.8 (31.9–38.1) 31.6 (27.9–33.8) 31 (24.9–32.7) 27.7 (26.1–33) 26.9 (23.6–27.4) 24.7 (23.6–28) 26.5 (24.1–27.1) 26.5 (24.5–33) 24.8
ΔBMI (kg/m2) - 13.4 (9.6–17.1) 8.7 (6.1–10–6) 13.0 (10.6–15.2) 14.0 (11.4–18.2) 16.8 (11.8–19.8) 17.4 (15.2–20) 16.3 (14.1–18.8) 16.6 (15.9–17.3) 16.9 (15.9–19.2) 16.6
%ΕWL - 74.4 (54.9–83.0) 51.7 (33.3–58.9) 72.4 (54.5–83.6) 69.2 (55.5–100) 91.5 (54–94.5) 86.3 (77.2–109) 102 (82.3–109) 89.6 (88.6–106) 97.9 (53.6–104) 102.8
%TWL - 31.1 (24.9–37.2) 20.8 (14.1–24.5) 30.7 (24.1–35.1) 31.8 (25.8–40.2) 36.2 (27.1–43) 35.5 (32.4–42.6) 39.8 (33.4–46.6) 37.9 (36.8–42.5) 40.2 (31–40.4) 41

Data are expressed in median values (interquartile range; Q1 first quartile; Q3 third quartile)

BMI Body Mass Index, ΔBMI initial BMI – post-operative BMI, %EWL Excess Weight Loss (%), %TWL Total Weight Loss (%), LAGB laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, FU follow-up