Fig. 1. Behavior experiment timeline and illustration of immunofluorescence staining on the whole hippocampus.
a Behavior experiment timeline. The experiment lasted for 65 days. b Immunofluorescence staining for CC1 (green), Olig2 (red), and BrdU (blue) throughout the hippocampus. For quantitative evaluation of co-labeled cells, a rectangular grid was superimposed on the hippocampus, and 12–15 fields (100 × 100 μm2) were systematically and randomly sampled from the CA1 (yellow line), CA3 (green line), and DG (red line) subfields of one section. Scale bar = 200 μm. c Magnified view of the blue grid indicated by the blue arrow in Fig. 1b. The white arrow indicates a CC1+/Olig2+/BrdU+ co-labeled cell, the pink arrow indicates an Olig2+/BrdU+ co-labeled cell, and the yellow arrow indicates a CC1+/Olig2+ co-labeled cell. Scale bar = 50 μm.