Figure 2.
(a,b) Circulating DP T cells exist as a separate population expressing naïve markers. (a) UMAP representing naïve marker genes PECAM1, TCF7, LEF1, CD7, CCR7, and SELL. (b) UMAP representing marker genes associated with thymic development. AQP3 and SMPD3 are expressed at the immature DP stage, and TOX2 and SATB1 are expressed during DP-to-SP transition. (c–f) Identification of marker gene signatures for the eight defined clusters. UMAP of paired clusters and volcano plot showing the log (fold change) and − log (p-values) for pairwise differential expression between two DP T populations. (c) CD4 CTL-like vs. Eomes+ Tr1-like cells. (d) Th2-like vs. Th17-like cells. (e) Tfh-like vs. Treg-like cells. (f) CD8 CTL-like vs. Innate-like cells. All plots were generated using GraphPad Prism 8.0.2. The dotted horizontal line represents a p-value of 0.05. The number in UMAP indicates the cluster number.