Fig. 2. Rotational dynamics of BAM from MD simulations.
a Rotational dynamics of BAM in the membrane plane showing the subunit positions overlaid onto an extracellular view of the respective structures (top, inward-open; bottom, outward-open). b Rotation angle of the periplasmic domain ring in the membrane plane calculated using the average angle made by BamB (when present), BamC, BamD, and BamE with respect to BamA. The angle of these lipoproteins in the structure 5D0O is used as a reference and is measured counterclockwise as viewed from the extracellular space. The dotted lines are the rotation angles in the structures used to initialize the inward-open state (0°; PDB 5D0O) and the outward-open state (63°; PDB 5LJO). Plots are from three independent 6-μs simulations demonstrating a range of possible dynamics on this time scale.