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. 2021 Dec 9;26:141. doi: 10.1186/s40001-021-00618-3

Table 5.

ECMO use and outcomes

Variable ECMO
group (n = 92)
Duration of ECMO use, days 15.4 ± 10.1 (1–52)
Indication for ECMO insertion
 COVID-19-related ARDS 88 (95.6%)
 Other 4 (4.3%)
Cannulation procedure
 Percutaneous 85 (92.4%)
 Cutdown 2 (2.2%)
ECMO insertion location
 Same center the patient is in now 45 (48.9%)
 Another hospital then transported to this center 45 (48.9%)
Type of transportation
 Ground transport 38 (41.3%)
 Air medical transport 7 (7.6%)
 Distance from the referring facility to the receiving hospital, kilometers 155.9 ± 279.2 (2–1,045)
 Duration of transportation, minutes 4.7 ± 6.5 (0.6–34.8)
Initial ECMO mode
 VV ECMO 86 (93.5%)
 VA ECMO 3 (3.3%)
 VAV ECMO 1 (1.1%)
 Prone positioning within 24 h of ECMO initiation 39 (42.4%)
Mode of ventilation 2 h pre-ECMO
 PC 14 (0.9%)
 VC 23 (1.5%)
 PRVC 17 (1.1%)
 SIMV 1 (0.1%)
 HFOV 1 (0.1%)
 Other 3 (0.2%)
Mode of ventilation 72 h post-ECMO
 PC 51 (55.4%)
 VC 25 (27.2%)
 PRVC 8 (8.7%)
 HFOV 1 (1.1%)
 CMV 1 (1.1%)
 Prone positioning after 72 h of ECMO initiation 5 (5.4%)
 ECMO maximum (highest) blood flow, L/minute 4.5 ± 0.8 (2–8)
 ECMO maximum (highest) sweep gas flow, L/minute 6 ± 1.8 (3–10)
Blood transfusion products used while patient was on ECMO
 Packed red blood cells 75 (81.5%)
 Fresh frozen plasma 40 (43.5%)
 Platelets 33 (35.8%)
 Cryoprecipitate 14 (15.2%)
 Factor VII 2 (2.2%)
 Tranexamic acid 4 (4.3%)
ECMO mode conversion data
 Patient underwent conversion (change) of ECMO mode 4 (4.3%)
 Mode of ECMO was changed (from-to)
 VV to VAV 1 (1.1)
 VV to VA 2 (2.2%)
 VAV to VV 1 (1.1%)
Complications during ECMO
 Bleeding from cannulation site 30 (32.6%)
 Oxygenator failure requiring circuit change 8 (8.7%)
 ECMO circuit clotting 7 (7.6%)
ECMO outcome
 Successful decannulation 42 (45.6%)
 Withdrawal of ECMO support 5 (5.4%)
 Death 45 (48.9%)
 Cause of death
 Septic shock 18 (19.6%)
 Multiple organ failure 10 (10.9%)
 Cardiac arrest 4 (4.3%)
 Do-not-resuscitate order 4 (4.3%)
 Tension pneumothorax 1 (1.1%)
 Severe lung fibrosis 1 (1.1%)
 Intra-abdominal abscess 1 (1.1%)
 Intracerebral hemorrhage 2 (2.2%)
 Severe hypotension 2 (2.2%)
 Cardiogenic shock 1 (1.1%)
 Mixed shock 1 (1.1%)

Data are presented as mean ± SD (minimum–maximum), or number (%), unless otherwise indicated

APRV airway pressure release ventilation, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, CMV continuous mandatory ventilation, COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, HFOV high frequency oscillatory ventilation, PC pressure control, PRVC pressure-regulated volume control, PS pressure support, SD standard deviation, SIMV synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, VA venoarterial, VAV veno–arterial–venous, VC volume control, VV venovenous

Percentages do not total 100% owing to missing data