Figure 3.
Optical characterization. a) Time‐resolved photosignal of ZrGeSe‐based photodetector at V ds = 0 V. b) The pulse response measurement at the electronic modulated frequency of 1, 5, 10, and 20 kHz under ambient conditions. c) Responsivity as a function of the modulation frequency at 0.1 and 0.26 THz. d) Frequency dependence of the photosignal of the device, measured at V ds = 0 V. e) Voltage noise spectra of the ZrGeSe device without external bias is a reference for the 1/f noise trend. The fitted red line is a reference for the 1/f noise trend. f) Optical noise equivalent power (NEP) extracted as the ratio between the thermal Johnson–Nyquist noise spectral density and responsivity (R V) (red dotted line), and as the ratio between the measured noise voltage (N V) and responsivity (R V) (blue solid ball).