Table 1.
Case | Age | Sex | Anatomic characteristics | Functional | Hormone Produced | Target Volume (cm3) | Dose Gy (RBE) |
1 | 51 | F | Proximal to chiasm | Functional | Growth hormone | 0.57 | 20 |
2 | 68 | M | Proximal to chiasm | Nonfunctioning | 3.55 | 17 | |
3 | 57 | M | Bone involvement | Nonfunctioning | 7.88 | 17 | |
4 | 39 | M | Posterior sella | Nonfunctioning | 2.92 | 17 | |
5 | 45 | F | Empty sella | Functional | ACTH | 0.72 | 20 |
6 | 49 | F | Bilateral cavernous sinus involvement | Nonfunctioning | 1.32 | 16 | |
7 | 68 | F | Proximal to chiasm, Bilateral cavernous sinus involvement |
Nonfunctioning | 1.66 | 16 | |
8 | 71 | F | Left lateralization | Silent ACTH adenoma | 3.24 | 15 | |
9 | 57 | F | Right lateralization | Functional | ACTH | 0.73 | 20 |
Abbreviations: ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; F = female; M = male; RBE = relative biological effectiveness.
All patients had prior transsphenoidal surgery.