Figure 2.
Share in Health Care Employment in Selected Industries vs. Unemployment Rate. Source: QCEW 2005–2017 and BLS LAUS (2005–2017). Notes: Figure shows coefficient and confidence interval of unemployment rate at time t. Regressions control for county and year-fixed effects. Regressions are weighted by population count. Economic condition controls include median household income, poverty rate, and working age population. 95% confidence intervals are obtained from heteroskedasiticy robust standard errors clustered at the state level. Health Care employment from QCEW refers to county establishments in NAICS 4-digit code 6231 for Nursing Care Facilities (Panel A), 6216 for Home Health Care Services (Panel B), 6211 for Offices of Physicians excl. Mental Health (Panel C), and 6221 for General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (Panel D).