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. 2021 Nov 9;14(1):30–44. doi: 10.1177/19417381211056301

Table 2.

Comparison of player characteristics currently specialized in basketball by age of basketball specialization (percentages column-wise)

Age <11 y Age 11-13 y Age 14+ y
Variable Group n % n % n % P a
Sex Male 126 75 91 83 51 89 0.042 b
Female 42 25 19 17 6 11
Total 168 110 57
Age at survey, y Mean (SD) 15.8 (1.5) 16.0 (1.4) 17.2 (1.1) <0.001 c
13 19 11 5 5 0 0 0.002 d
14 52 31 35 32 11 19
15 17 10 6 5 5 9
16 32 19 35 32 17 30
17 36 21 21 19 12 21
18 12 7 8 7 12 21
Total 168 110 57
What is your current national recruiting ranking among all players in your class? 1-50 50 30 35 32 18 32 0.098
50-100 7 4 7 6 5 9
101-250 9 5 0 0 1 2
Outside the top 250 13 8 8 7 9 16
Unknown 89 53 60 55 24 42
Total 168 110 57
How old were you when you first started playing on a select or elite club basketball team? ≤10 101 60 34 31 21 37 <0.001 e
11 25 15 18 16 7 12
12 14 8 22 20 5 9
13 12 7 16 15 4 7
14 7 4 7 6 11 19
15 1 1 6 5 3 5
16 2 1 1 1 1 2
17 1 1 0 0 0 0
Never played on select team 1 1 2 2 2 4
Unknown/missing 4 2 4 4 3 5
Total 168 110 57
Total games played approximately (all seasons) ≤25 13 8 13 13 5 9 0.798
26-50 64 40 39 38 18 33
51-75 62 39 37 36 25 46
76-100+ 21 13 15 14 6 11
Total 160 104 54
Across a typical year, I . . . (choose one answer) Never have time off from organized basketball; I play organized basketball all year 57 38 30 29 9 17 0.006 f
Have a few weeks off (but less than a full month) from organized basketball without any games or practice 67 44 42 41 28 52
Have about 1 full month off from organized basketball without any games or practices 21 14 24 23 8 15
Have 2 or more months off from organized basketball without any games or practices under a coach’s supervision 7 5 7 7 9 17
Total 152 103 54
During the high school basketball season (from November through March), when my coach gives the team a day off, I typically: (choose one) Take off the entire day to rest (no physical activity) 37 25 23 24 10 20 0.347
Go to the gym to shoot around or play pick-up 55 37 35 36 23 45
Put myself through a skill development workout 22 15 19 20 13 25
Put myself through a strength and agility, or cardiovascular workout, but I do not do anything on the basketball court 22 15 15 16 5 10
Not applicable; my coach does not give us any days off 11 7 4 4 0 0
Total 147 96 51
Have you undergone a surgery for a basketball-related injury? No 129 83 87 82 43 84 0.941
Yes 27 17 19 18 8 16
Total 156 106 51
Have you ever seen a doctor for a basketball related injury? No 14 40 4 19 1 20 0.223
Yes 21 60 17 81 4 80
Total 35 21 5
Have you had to sit out from basketball for 1 month or longer due to a basketball-related injury? No 44 54 25 53 6 35 0.369
Yes 38 46 22 47 11 65
Total 82 47 17
During the school year, how many hours of sleep do you get in a typical night? ≤5 5 7 2 5 0 0 0.974
6 7 10 4 10 1 6
7 26 36 16 38 7 44
8 30 41 17 40 6 38
9 5 7 3 7 2 13
Total 73 42 16
During the summer (when school is not in session), how many hours of sleep do you get in a typical night? ≤5 10 14 0 0 0 0 0.169
6 13 18 9 21 2 13
7 7 10 4 10 2 13
8 20 27 9 21 2 13
9 12 16 11 26 6 38
≥10 11 15 9 21 4 25
Total 73 42 16
In the past year, have you felt physically exhausted from basketball? No 36 51 15 36 7 44 0.268
Yes 34 49 27 64 9 56
Total 70 42 16
In the past year, have you ever felt mentally exhausted from basketball? No 47 65 19 45 6 40 0.049 g
Yes 25 35 23 55 9 60
Total 72 42 15
Survey date January 2018 42 25 26 24 6 11 0.183
June 2018 52 31 25 23 17 30
August 2018 45 27 33 30 19 33
August 2019 29 17 26 24 15 26
Total 168 110 57

Boldfaced P values indicate statistical significance.


Post hoc tests indicate a significantly higher percentage of females in the specialized <11 years age group versus 14+ years (P = 0.021).


Post hoc tests indicate the mean age of the specialized 14+ years age group was significantly higher than the age 11 to 13 years (P = 0.011) and age <11 years (P < 0.001) specialization groups.


Post hoc tests indicate that the percentage of 13-year-old players in the <11 years group was significantly higher than 11 to 13 years (P = 0.050) and 14+ years (P = 0.006) specialization groups.


Post hoc tests indicate that the percentage of players who began playing on a select or club basketball team before the age of 10 years was higher in players who began their specialization before age 11 years compared with those who specialized between age 11-13 years (P < 0.001) and those who specialized at age 14 years and older (P = 0.004).


Post hoc tests indicate the percentage of players who specialized at age <11 years reported a significantly higher percentage of never having time off from organized basketball compared with players who specialized at age 14+ years (P = 0.005).


Post hoc tests indicate that players who specialized in basketball before age 11 years had significantly lower percentage of feeling mentally exhausted from basketball in the past year compared with players who specialized between age 11 to 13 years (P = 0.037) and age 14 years and older (P = 0.050).