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. 2021 Dec 8;4(12):e2137833. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.37833

Table 2. Characteristics of Remission MRI New Silent Lesions.

Type of new SLa Sex Age at r-MRI scan, y DMT at r-MRI scan Time since last attack, mo Time since reference MRI, mo New SL CNS location New SL features
Definite, 1 Female 6 None 15 5 Subcortical in the frontal white matter adjacent to insular cortex Scattered and ill defined
Definite, 2 Female 41 Pred 7.5 mg once daily 10 6 Splenium of the corpus callosum Fluffy, ill-defined margins. No gad enhancement.
Definite, 3 Male 14 None 9 5 Left midbrain and cerebral peduncle Small, ill defined
Probable, 1 Male 51 None 39 39 Anterior pons Diffuse, ill-defined margins
Probable, 2 Male 13 Pred 25 mg once daily 5 4 Centrum semiovale, corpus callosum, and right internal capsule Small, ill defined. No gad enhancement.
Definite, 1 Female 45 MMF 3 g + pred 20 mg once daily 7 2 Extension of a previous cervical lesion Swelling and extension
Definite, 2 Male 60 MMF 3 g + pred 25 mg once daily 8 6 Extension of previous brain white matter lesions Diffuse, confluent lesions. No gad enhancement.
Definite, 3 Female 19 AZA 75 mg twice daily + pred 20 mg once daily 11 6 Area postrema Faint intensity, normointense on DWI. No gad enhancement.
Probable, 1 Female 45 MMF 3 g + pred 20 mg once daily 5 5 Cervical cord lesion, C1-C4 Longitudinally extensive lesion not observed at the previous attack MRI for thoracic transverse myelitis
Probable, 2 Female 35 Pred 10 mg once daily 66 66 Left parietal white matter and periventricular white matter Scattered defined deep white matter lesions and a Dawson fingerlike periventricular lesion, DWI hyperintense
Probable, 3 Female 13 RTX 1 g twice, 2 wk apart, every 6 mo) + pred 10 mg adt 5 5 Third ventricle, left thalamus Small, ill defined
Probable, 4 Female 12 IVIG every 3 wk + pred 20 mg once daily 6 6 Right cerebral peduncle and red nucleus Small, ill defined

Abbreviations: adt, alternate days; AQP4-NMOSD, aquaporin-4 antibody neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; AZA, azathioprine; CNS, central nervous system; definite, new SL found by a remission MRI compared with a reference MRI performed at least 4 weeks after an attack onset; DMT, disease-modifying therapy; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; gad, gadolinium contrast; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MOGAD, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease; pred, prednisolone; probable, new SL found by a remission MRI compared with a reference MRI performed at onset or nadir of last clinical attack; r-MRI, remission magnetic resonance imaging (performed at least 3 months from last attack and all had to be completely free of new symptoms); RTX, rituximab; SL, silent lesion.


Number of patients with definite or probable new remission silent lesions either in MOGAD or in AQP4-NMOSD.