Figure 3.
Relative FASN mRNA levels in EVs from GC patients and their clinico-pathological stratification. Relative mRNA levels of FASN in (a) T1–2 and T3–4 gastric cancers, (b) nodal negative (N0), and nodal positive (N+), (c) non-metastasized (M0) and metastasized (M+), (d) grade 1–2 (G1–2) and grade 3–4 (G3–4), (e) UICC-stage I–II and III–IV, and (f) according to Laurén’s classification. Mann–Whitney test was used to analyze the differences between the two groups (* = p < 0.05; G—grading; M—metastasis; n—nodal; ns – not significant; T—tumor; UICC—Union Internationale Contre le Cancer).