Figure 3.
AutoProstate external validation analysis of whole-prostate and zonal segmentations, prostate size measurements, and PSAd, using 80 patients from the PICTURE dataset for which ground-truth segmentations were available: (a) Distribution of Dice coefficients for PZ, CG, and whole-prostate segmentation; (b) Distribution of Abs%Err for transverse, anterior–posterior, and cranio–caudal lengths; (c) Distribution of Abs%Err for PZ and CG volumes; (d) Distribution of Abs%Err for whole-prostate volume estimations by AutoProstate and the experienced radiologist; and (e) Distribution of AbsErr for PSAd calculated by AutoProstate and the experienced radiologist; the ground-truth PSAd value used to compute the AbsErr for AutoProstate and the experienced radiologist was calculated by dividing PSA by the whole-prostate volume derived from the ground-truth whole-prostate segmentation.