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. 2021 Dec 2;22(23):13070. doi: 10.3390/ijms222313070

Table 5.

Summary of the studies about augmentation with IV ketamine, esketamine nasal spray, and psychostimulant drugs in TRD.

Reference n Age Mean (SD), y Design Augmentation Molecule Dosage AD Duration Primary Outcome Measures Results
Daly et al. [101] * 297 46.3 (±11.1) Multicenter, double-blind TRD patients → 16 weeks ESK augmentation → R maintenance phase: comparison ESK/pcb Esketamine Remitters: 56 mg or 84 mg/2 weeks Responders: 56 mg or 84 mg once weekly SSRIs or SNRIs Median among remitters: 17.7 weeks Median among responders: 19.4 weeks Time to relapse at MADRS Relapse among remitters: pcb > ESK (p = 0.003) Relapse among responders: pcb > ESK (p < 0.001)
Fedgchin et al. [99] 315 46.3 (±11.2) Multicenter, double-blind Comparison ESK56/ESK84/pcb Esketamine 56 mg or 84 mg twice weekly Escitalopram, Sertraline, Venlafaxine, Duloxetine 4 weeks MADRS ↓ MADRS: ESK56 > pcb (p = 0.03) ESK84 = pcb (p = 0.09)
Ochs-Ross et al. [102] 122 70.0 (±4.52) Double-blind Esketamine 28 mg, 56 mg or 84 mg twice weekly ↓ MADRS: ESK = pcb (p = 0.06) 65–74 years old: ESK > pcb (p = 0.02) ≥ 75 years old: ESK = pcb (p = 0.93)
Popova et al. [100] 197 ESK: 44.9 (±12.6) pcb: 46.4 (±11.1) Multicenter, double-blind Esketamine 56 mg or 84 mg twice weekly ↓ MADRS: ESK > pcb (p = 0.02)
Fava et al., 2020 [94] 86 KETA 0.1: 43.1 (±11.9) KETA 0.2: 45.5 (±14.6) KETA 0.5: 48.6 (±12.9) KETA 1.0: 47.4 (±10.1) Double-blind Comparison KETA 0.1-0.2-0.5-1.0 mg/kg/pcb IV Ketamine 0.1-0.2-0.5-1.0 mg/kg Various ADs 30 days HAM-D6 at day 1 and 3 ↓ HAM-D6: KETA > pcb (p = 0.03) KETA 0.1-0.2-0.5-1.0 mg/kg > pcb (p = 0.04) ↓ HAM-D6 day 1: KETA 0.1–0.2 mg/kg = pcb (p-adj = 0.14 and 0.79) KETA 0.5 mg/kg > pcb (p-adj < 0.001) KETA 1.0 mg/kg > pcb (p-adj = 0.04) ↓ HAM-D6 day 3: KETA 0.1-0.2-0.5-1.0 mg/kg = pcb (p > 0.05)
Freeman et al. [96] ** 99 18–70 Males:
47.5 (±12.5) Females: 44.8 (±12.7)
IV Ketamine ↓ HAM-D6: males = females (groupxgender p = 0.69)
Feeney et al. [98] ** 56 45.7 (±12.3) IV Ketamine 0.1-0.5-1.0 mg/kg MADRS suicide item ↓ MADRS suicide item at day 30: KETA > pcb (p = 0.03)
Ionescu et al. [95] 26 45.4 (±12.4) Double-blind IV Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg Various ADs 3 weeks HAM-D ↓ HAM-D: KETA = pcb (p = 0.47)
Salloum et al. [97] ** 56 KETA 0.1: 47.0 (±8.1) KETA 0.5: 45.5 (±11.9) KETA 1.0: 45.3 (±9.6) Double-blind Comparison KETA 0.1/0.5/1.0 mg/kg IV Ketamine 0.1-0.5-1.0 mg/kg Various ADs 30 days MADRS At day 3: Response rate: 48% Remission rate: 34% At day 30: Remission rate: 21%
Price et al. [104] 15 50.0 (±12.0) Pcb substitution Comparison FEN/pcb Fenfluramine (Amphetamine) 89.0 (±26.0) mg/d Desipramine Mean (SD): 16.4 (±5.0) d SCRS
↓ SCRS and ↓ HAM-D: FEN = pcb (p > 0.05)
Richards et al. [105] Study 1: pcb = 201, LDX = 201; Study 2: pcb = 213, LDX = 211 Study 1 LDX: 42.2 (±12.3) Study 2 LDX: 42.0 (±11.6) Multicenter, double-blind Comparison LDX/pcb Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Amphetamine) Study 1: 46.5 (±13.7) mg/d Study 2: 43.4 (±14.3) mg/d Various ADs 16 weeks MADRS ↓ MADRS Study 1: LDX = pcb (p = 0.88) ↓ MADRS Study 2: LDX = pcb (p = 0.58)
Patkar et al. [106] 50 48.5 Double-blind Metilphenidate 34.2 (±6.3) mg/d Various ADs 4 weeks HAM-D ↓ HAM-D: MPH = pcb (p = 0.22) Response rates: MPH > pcb (p = 0.12)
Ravindran et al. [107] 134 43.8 (±11.0) Multicenter, double-blind Metilphenidate 36.4 (±9.1) mg/d Various ADs 5 weeks MADRS ↓ MADRS: MPH = pcb (p = 0.74)
Open studies
Wajs et al. [103] *** 150 52.2 (±13.7) Multicenter, open-label Esketamine Flexible 14–84 mg once weekly or every-other-week 1 year Response rate: 76.5% Remission rate: 58.2%
Cusin et al. [93] 12 48.9 Open-label 6 infusions (2/week): infusion 1–3: 0.50 mg/kg (IV); infusion 4–6: 0.75 mg/kg (IV) IV Ketamine Mean (SD): infusion 1–3: 29.0 (±16.2) mg infusion 4–6: 43.5 (±24.3) mg Various ADs 3 weeks HAM-D ↓ HAM-D: p < 0.001 Response rate: 41.7% Remission rate: 16.7%
Schiroma et al. [92] 14 54.0 Open-label IV Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg Various ADs 12 days MADRS ↓ MADRS (p < 0.001)
Nasr et al. [108] 78 44.0 Retrospective Modafinil 249.0 (±122.0) mg/d Various ADs 9 months CDRS ↓ CDRS: p < 0.01

Key: * = analysis in the long-term of patients who achieved response in the studies by Fedgchin et al. [99] and Popova et al. [100]. ** = reanalysis on a subgroup of patients recruited by Fava et al. [94]. *** = analysis in the long-term, including, in the total sample, patients who completed the study by Ochs-Ross et al. [102]. ≈ = same as above; AD = antidepressant; CDRS = Carroll Depression Rating Scale; ESK = esketamine nasal spray; ESK56 = esketamine at 56 mg/d; ESK84 = esketamine at 84 mg/d; FEN = fenfluramine; HAM-D = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; HAM-D6 = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale—6 items; IV = intravenous; KETA = ketamine; LDX = lisdexamfetamine dimesylate; MADRS = Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale; MPH = metilphenidate; p-adj = p value adjusted for multiple comparisons; pcb = placebo; RCT = randomized, controlled trial; SCRS = Short Clinical Rating Scale; SD = standard deviation.