Figure 7.
Gating strategy for flow cytometry. (a) Gating strategy for the analysis of FSClowSSClowCD45+ lineage (Lin)−Thy1.2+Sca-1+ IL-33R (ST2)+ ILC2s. The numbers indicate the percentage of cells in each gate. (b) Gating strategy for the analysis of CD45+ B220− DCs within the draining LNs 72 hours after the photoconversion of the skin. The LN-resident DCs are CD11chigh IA/IEmed, and the skin-derived DCs are CD11cmed IA/IEhigh. Note that only skin-derived DCs contain KikGR-Red+ cells. The numbers indicate the percentage of cells in each quadrant. Similar results were obtained from two independent experiments. DC, dendritic cell; ILC2, group 2 innate lymphoid cell; KikGR, Kikume Green-Red; LN, lymph node.