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. 2021 Dec 6;63:e80. doi: 10.1590/S1678-9946202163080

Table 2. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of individuals under the age of 15, diagnosed with leprosy in the period from 2000 to 2019, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Characteristic number (total= 77*) Percentage
Operational classification
Paucibacillary 29 37.7
Multibacillary 48 62.3
Clinical form
Indeterminate 16 22.2
Tuberculoid 16 22.2
Borderline 28 38.9
Lepromatous 8 11.1
Unclassified 4 5.6
Therapeutic scheme
Paucibacillary multidrug therapy 30 39.5
Multibacillary multidrug therapy 38 50.0
Substitute regimes 8 10.5
Case entry mode
New case 62 81.6
Transfer from another municipality 8 10.5
Transfer from another State 5 6.6
Transfer from another country 1 1.3
Case detection mode
Forwarding 17 27.0
Spontaneous demand 14 22.2
Contact exams 32 50.8
Degree of physical disability at the time of diagnosis
Zero degree 60 80.0
Grade 1 12 16.0
Grade 2 3 4.0
Positive 9 18.0
Negative 18 36.0
Not performed 23 46.0

Total data may vary depending on the possibility of missing information.