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. 2021 Nov 25;12:738784. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.738784


Existence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes, tet genes, mutations in the target [gyrA, tet(A)] and regulatory (RamR-A) genes, and expression of efflux pump genes (ramA and acrB) in XDR Salmonella enterica serovars showing ciprofloxacin and/or tigecycline resistance.

Isolate no. Serovar PMQR pattern tet genes Target gene mutationa
RamR-A regulatory gene mutationa
Expression level
Accession numberb
gyrA tet(A) ramR/ramR ramR binding site ramA acrB oqxB
1 Typhimurium qnrA; qepA tet(A) S83A; D87V F146L; Del G69–A72; Ins (3 nt) C235 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285 10.04 7.61 ND MT725561; MT725590; MT743008
2 Typhimurium qnrA; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83Y; D87R L121P F146L; Ins (3 nt) G484; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del A67–G69 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285 10.10 8.09 ND MT725562; MT725591; MT743009
3 Untypable qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83T; D87R L121T G186R; F149L; D104G; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 T-97C; V28M; Del T–288/A–285 16.33 10.84 ND MT725563; MT725592; MT743010
4 Magherafelt qnrS; qepA tet(A) S83L F148L; Ins (7 nt) G319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285 10.55 9.92 ND MT725564; MT725593; MT743011
5 Typhimurium qnrA; qepA; oqxA; oqxB tet(A) S83F L121P F148L; Ins (6 nt) T319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 T-97C 5.10 2.83 1.4 MT725565; MT725594; MT743012
6 Takoradi qnrS; qepA; oqxA; oqxB tet(A); tet(B) S83F; D87Y F120S; L121A G186R; F149L; D104G; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G68 V28M; Del T–288/C–285 12.21 11.12 4.3 MT725566; MT725595; MT743013
7 Labadi qnrA; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83V; D87S L121P F149L; A102V; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G324; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 I40L; V28M; Del T–288/A–285; Del G–52/A–49 22.68 20.90 ND MT725567; MT725596; MT743014
8 Typhimurium qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83Y G182R; F145L; G109S; L72F; Del G307–C309; Del G251–C254; Del G64–G69 T-97C; I40L 8.11 6.62 ND MT725568; MT725597; MT743015
9 Jedburgh qnrA; qepA tet(A) S83L; D87N F145L; S84G; G182R; Del C307–G309; Del C254–A257; Del T65–G69 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285; Del T–89/T–87 11.35 8.12 ND MT725569; MT725598; MT743016
10 Alfort qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA; oqxA; oqxB tet(A); tet(B) D87F G181D G186R; F149L; D104G; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 V28M; Del T–288/A–285 15.86 13.66 10.1 MT725570; MT725599; MT743017
11 Typhimurium qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA; oqxA; oqxB tet(A) S83F; D87A G181D G186R; F149L; D104G; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 T-97C; V28M; Del T–288/A–285 12.80 8.24 5.4 MT725571; MT725600; MT743018
12 Typhimurium qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83E G182R; F145L; G109S; L72F; Del G251–C254; Del T65–G69; Del G307–C309 I40L; Del T–288/A–285; Del T–89/T–87 14.83 9.51 ND MT725572; MT740093; MT743019
13 Untypable tet(A); tet(B) S83F F148L; Ins (7 nt) G319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285 10.91 7.44 ND MT725573; MT725601; MT743020
14 Blegdam qnrA; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83F F149L; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 T-97C 7.11 4.38 ND MT725574; MT725602; MT743021
15 Infantis qnrA; qepA tet(A) L121P F145L; Del G69–A72; Del G251–C254; Del G307–C309 T-97C 7.31 4.68 ND MT725575; MT725603; MT743022
16 Enteritidis qnrA; qepA tet(A); tet(B) F145L; Del G69–A72; Del G251–C254; Del G307–C309 T-97C 7.61 5.20 ND MT725576; MT725604; MT743023
17 Typhimurium qnrA; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83F Ins (6 nt) C411; Ins (3 nt) G377; Del G307–G309; Del G251–C254; Del G69–A72 Del T–288/A–285 12.19 10.73 ND MT725577; MT725605; MT743024
18 Paratyphi C qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(X4) D87Y F148L; Ins (7 nt) G319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 6.21 2.50 ND MT725578; MT725606; MT743025
19 Typhimurium qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA; oqxA; oqxB tet(A) S83V F145L; Del G307–C309; Del C254–A257; Del G69–A72 T-97C 4.60 3.97 1.1 MT725579; MT725607; MT743026
20 Typhimurium qnrB; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) F150L; N88S; H83R; Ins (7 nt) G326; Ins (5 nt) C257; Ins (5 nt) G64 8.32 3.84 ND MT725580; MT725608; MT743027
21 Bardo qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA; oqxA; oqxB tet(A) D87Y F147L; Ins (4 nt) A319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285; Del G–52/A–49 24.20 19.23 10.9 MT725581; MT740094; MT743028
22 Sandiego qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) D87A L121P G186R; F148L; G112S; Ins (3 nt) T520; Ins (7 nt) G319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285; Del A–89/T–87 16.85 11.77 ND MT725582; MT725609; MT743029
23 Typhimurium oqxA tet(A); tet(B) S83I F148L; Ins (7 nt) G319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 1.6 1.1 ND MT725583; MT725610; MT743030
24 Magherafelt qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83A; D87Y F149L; N87S; H82R; Ins (3 nt) G493; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 T-97C; V28M; Del T–288/A–285 19.25 13.22 ND MT725584; MT725611; MT743031
25 Jedburgh qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) D87A L121p G182R; F145L; G109S; L72F; Del G307–C309; Del G251–C254; Del T65–G69 T-97C; I40L; Del T–288/A–285 14.18 10.74 ND MT725585; MT725612; MT743032
26 Wingrove qnrS; qepA tet(A) D87S G181D F147L; Ins (6 nt) C408; Del G307–C309; Del G251–C254; Del T65–G69 T-97C 6.66 4.09 ND MT725586; MT740095; MT743033
27 Untypable tet(A); tet(B) D87G L121p F149L; A102V; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G69 T-97C; C-109T 9.44 6.42 ND MT725587; MT725613; MT743034
28 Typhimurium qnrS; qepA, oqxB tet(A) D87Y F149L; N87S; H82R; Ins (7 nt) G321; Ins (5 nt) C252; Del T65–G68 T-97C 5.41 3.82 ND MT725588; MT740096; MT743035
29 Typhimurium qnrA; qnrB; qnrS; qepA tet(A); tet(B) S83L; D87G F148L; Ins (7 nt) G319; Ins (3 nt) C235; Del G69–A72 T-97C; Del T–288/A–285 11.33 8.74 ND MT725589; MT725614; MT743036

PMQR, plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance; Ins, insertion; Del, deletion; nt, nucleotide; ND, not detected. Isolate numbers in bold were sensitive to tigecycline and resistant to ciprofloxacin. Other isolates exhibited co-resistance to ciprofloxacin and tigecycline. All isolates were nalidixic acid resistant.

aMutations were detected after comparison with the respective gene in the complete genome of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 (GenBank accession number NC_003197).

bGenBank accession numbers were assigned for gyrA, tet(A), and ramR-A genes, respectively.