Fig. 2. Structure of C. reinhardtii TSP4–10LHC PSI at 2.54 Å and the distribution of water molecules within the complex.
a TSP4–10LHC 2.54 Å PSI model. The subunits are annotated according to their corresponding colours. The stromal subunits (PsaC, PsaD and PsaE) are shown but are not annotated for clarity. b Cryo-EM 2.54 Å map of TSP4–10LHC, coloured according to the subunits in panel a. Stromal (c) and the membrane plane view (d) – from the PsaK pole; e – from the PsaG pole of the TSP4–10LHC water molecules. The water molecules are shown as red spheres, the iron-sulphur clusters as red-brown spheres, and PSI displayed as grey cartoons.