A: Human INS gene structures and their alternatively spliced isoforms. Open boxes represent exons, and solid lines represent introns. Downward arrows and capital letters are at the intraexonal splicing donor sites of exon 1 and acceptor sites of exon 3 for human and polyadenylation sites. Red and green asterisks are the translation initiation sites for uORF and pORF, respectively, while the red dot is at the translational stop codon. The blue bar is the Exon-2 TaqMan Probe that hybridizes to all the isoforms, the red bars are the isoform-specific probes, the green bar is the INS3A probe that hybridizes to all the INS isoforms except INS3B and INSU2, and the purple bar is the probe unique to the INS3B isoform. Red and blue names are the respective novel nonspliced and spliced uORF isoforms. The purple name is the intraexon 3 spliced INS3B isoform, while the green names are the respective spliced and intron 1 retention pORF isoforms. B: TaqMan quantitative RT-PCR of INS3A and INS3B in human islets using total exon 2 as a reference. y-axis is fold change, and each individual dot represents a single islet sample.