Importance of iduronic acid for rVAR2 binding.A, inhibition of rVAR2 binding to HeLa cells using commercially available CSA, CSC, and DS substrates, performed by flow cytometry (N = 3), curve fitted with three parameter dose–response curve. B, disaccharide analysis of Sigma ChABC (S-ChABC), ChAC, and ChB digested R-ofCS, analyzed by LC-MS. C, structural analysis and (D) quantification of S-ChABC digested CS from HeLa WT and CHST14−/− cells, analyzed by LC-MS (N = 3). E, chromatograms of Amsbio ChABC (A-ChABC) resistant dp4 species generated from HeLa WT and CHST14−/− CS. F, titration of rVAR2 to HeLa WT and CHST14−/− cells, analyzed by flow cytometry (N = 3), and curve fitted with nonlinear 4PL regression. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05 by unpaired t test. CHST14, carbohydrate sulfotransferase.